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Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Armstrong and Shriner Families with 4 Children
The Armstrong Family with The Shriner Family - Hiring in Kansas City
The Armstrong Family with The Shriner Family - Hiring in Kansas City

Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Armstrong and Shriner Families with 4 Children

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0 - 5 month old boy
2 year old girl
2 year old boy
0 - 5 month old boy

A little bit about us...

My sister in law and I are looking for someone to care for our combined 3 kiddos. We have two - two and a half year olds and one - 4 month old. We are looking for someone to be with them at my house from
Communicating outside Nanny Lane can put you at risk of online fraud. For your safety, we require you to message The Armstrong Family with The Shriner Family through Nanny Lane.
[phone number hidden]
pm with some flexibility.

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