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Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Bowers and Marie Families with 2 Children
The Bowers Family with The Marie Family - Hiring in Baltimore
The Bowers Family with The Marie Family - Hiring in Baltimore

Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Bowers and Marie Families with 2 Children

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0 - 5 month old boy
6 - 11 month old boy

A little bit about us...

Located in Mt. Washington. We are looking for a nanny for our 8 month old son. Work location is our home. Mom will be working from home roughly 60% of the time and can assist here and there for breaks. You must be comfortable with pets! We have a large, high energy dog that will be out with you all day. There is also a cat but, you'll rarely see him.

Baby's laundry, making sure animals have food and water, and light housework appreciated.

Our son is super cute (if I do say so myself). He is usually easy going, starting to crawl, and eating some solids. He loves playing with people on the floor with his toys. He is a big boy though, 99th percentile of all mesurments and weighs about 25 lbs. He needs someone able to pick him up and hold him.

The schedule is 8:30 - 4:30 Monday -Thursday,
Communicating outside Nanny Lane can put you at risk of online fraud. For your safety, we require you to message The Bowers Family with The Marie Family through Nanny Lane.
[phone number hidden]
on Friday.

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