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Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Henderson and Thibodeau Families with 5 Children
The Henderson Family with The Thibodeau Family - Hiring in Fort Mill
The Henderson Family with The Thibodeau Family - Hiring in Fort Mill

Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Henderson and Thibodeau Families with 5 Children

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2 year old boy
2 year old girl
4 year old girl
2 year old girl
4 year old girl

A little bit about us...

We are two families living in the same neighborhood. We have three kids between the 2 families. One boy, 20 months and two girls ages 2 and 4. They get along great. We are looking for someone to sit for us 8am-4:30pm M-F. The 4 year old will be attending Pre-School in the afternoons and no transportation is needed. The two younger kids will sleep from 12-2pm. Other than cleaning up from the day and making lunches and snacks there are no required tasks but light childrens' laundry or simple housework would be appreciated. 85% of time will be at one household - every other week on Fridays we will be at the other families house. There is access to toys, education supplies, strollers and outdoor trails. We are looking for someone who would be willing to do some educational activities for the younger kids! Looking for someone fun & energetic who want to play with the kids!

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