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Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Jones and Sloan Families with 2 Children
The Jones Family with The Sloan Family - Hiring in North Chicago
The Jones Family with The Sloan Family - Hiring in North Chicago

Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Jones and Sloan Families with 2 Children

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0 - 5 month old boy
6 - 11 month old boy

A little bit about us...

I’m an active duty military momma I have a 3 month old baby boy , he is breast fed but does take a bottle all bottles will be prepped and in the fridge ready to go . My boy loves to smile and cuddle and talk . I work at the VA hospital which is about 5 minutes away. I will need full time care from 6am-4pm

Same for me except my little man is 9 months old. He’s breastfeeding as well, and Is on table food.

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