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Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Pratt and Aikens Families with 7 Children
The Pratt Family with The Aikens Family - Hiring in Henderson
The Pratt Family with The Aikens Family - Hiring in Henderson

Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Pratt and Aikens Families with 7 Children

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6 - 11 month old boy
3 year old boy
7 year old boy
7 year old girl
6 year old girl
4 year old girl
6 - 11 month old boy

A little bit about us...

Monday - Tuesday start time either 6:15 am or 7:00am to latest 4:00pm. Jax our 10 month old will be home 7am-10am, Oliver our 3 year old is at pre-K until 10:110am and William our 7 year old gets off school at 2:11pm. We live walking distance to their school.

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