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Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Robinson and Green Families with 3 Children
The Robinson Family with The Green Family - Hiring in Murfreesboro
The Robinson Family with The Green Family - Hiring in Murfreesboro

Full-Time Nanny Share Job with Robinson and Green Families with 3 Children

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0 - 5 month old girl
0 - 5 month old boy
0 - 5 month old boy

A little bit about us...

Hi future Nanny! Currently my neighbors and I are looking for a perfect nanny to do a nanny share. We are located in Murfreesboro TN and our 2 kids consist of a sweet 2 month old baby boy and another sweet 6 month old baby girl. Both families have semibusy lifestyles, are married , and are first time parents. We are looking for an experienced full time nanny that can not only be attentive to our children during the day while we are at work but more importantly can teach a curriculum to our children. ( Ex. Helping our children meet benchmarks, etc.) Nanny availability would range between 6:30AM (very seldom) to 5:30PM in the evening at the latest. Willing to pay nanny for time overages. Nanny will receive paid holidays if holiday falls on a scheduled work day. So yes, you can enjoy this time at home with family and still get paid. Nanny is also garunteed pay no matter if children are sick or absent or families are gone on vacation. Did I also mention our nany will get vacation time as well. Our group believes in making our nanny happy and providing a great environment within our home for the person caring so carefully for our children. No household cleaning needs will be needed other than nanny cleaning up behind our childrens' mess. Why? We want primary time to be with children instead of cleaning. We also welcome nannies interested in date nights or open to go on vacations with us if needed. Please reach out to us if you think you would be a great nanny to join our loving family. Please be advised, no outside guests not outlined by nanny share nor outside children (no children other than our own) for the safety of nanny and children as well as professionalism. We have never been more excited to meet you so again please contact us with any questions or interest. Talk to you soon!

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