Bryson is 2 months old and belongs to Emma and John. Rio is 4.5 months old and belongs to Sarah and Josh.
We are looking for someone to care for our two sweet children 4 days a week/32 hours weekly (Mon-Thurs) from 8am-4pm. We need someone who has 10+ years experience, CPR and First Aid certified, has the COVID Vaccine, and some familiarity with Montessori Philosophy. We would need our nanny to begin the last week of November.
There will be a 9-year old lab mix dog at the house, who is very sweet and wont need too much care, besides occasional water throughout the day and perhaps one walk with the children. We would love for our nanny to keep the house tidy, basically the way it looks in the am (picking up after the children) and supporting the children in developmentally appropriate activities provided at the house.