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Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Yuan and Gao Families with 5 Children
The Yuan Family with The Gao Family - Hiring in Mc Lean
The Yuan Family with The Gao Family - Hiring in Mc Lean

Part-Time Nanny Share Job with Yuan and Gao Families with 5 Children

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2 year old boy
2 year old boy
2 year old girl
2 year old boy
2 year old boy

A little bit about us...

Need a substitute nanny/teacher for when our typical one isn't around. Happens a few times a month. We pay $10 per hour per child. There are usually 3-5 children on any given day. One day is about 9 hours from 8:30am to 5:30 pm. Mask and car required, host family is fully vaccinated. Kids are 2 years old. You'll be responsible for them during the entire period, kids bring their own lunch, you are responsible for your own lunch.

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