How much does a child care provider cost in Kailua, HI?

The average hourly rate of a child care provider in Kailua, HI is $18.61 per hour. The average gross weekly salary of a child care provider in Kailua, HI is $651.35 ($18.61 per hour × 35 hours).

How much to pay a child care provider near you?

What’s the average cost of a child care provider in Kailua, HI?

The average cost of a child care provider in Kailua, HI is $18.61 per hour. You can expect to pay a hourly rate between $14 and $25. A child care provider’s hourly rate can depend on their location, responsibilities, qualifications, and the type of care needed.

What’s the average cost of a child care provider in Kailua, HI?

How much does a child care provider cost near you?

How responsibilities and qualifications impact average hourly rate in Kailua, HI

First Aid
Driver’s License
The average hourly rate for car child care is $20.69, 11% above the average in Kailua, HI. For english child care, the average hourly rate is $19.41, 4% above the average in Kailua, HI.

How much should you pay a child care provider based on your needs?

How often do you need a child care provider?

How type of care impacts average hourly rate in Kailua, HI

Special needs
The average hourly rate for infants child care is $20.11, 8% above the average in Kailua, HI. For preschoolers child care, the average hourly rate is $19.03, 2% above the average in Kailua, HI.

How to reduce child care provider costs?

Split the cost of a child care provider with another family and enjoy flexible child care.Learn about nanny sharing

How to find a child care provider on Nanny Lane

Finding your child care provider
Create your profile and connect with child care that fit your needs.
Hiring your child care provider
Run a background check and finalize the details.
Paying your child care provider
Ease the process of payments and taxes with our payroll service.

Available child care in Kailua, HI

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