Find a daycare in Santa Rosa, CA

Nanny Lane helps families find the right child care

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Choosing the best child care for your loved ones

Illustration of a daycare center
Illustration of nanny care
Costs for care

Illustration of a daycare center
Only child care with no extra help
Illustration of nanny care
Child care with extra housekeeping help
Timing & scheduling

Illustration of a daycare center
Rigid times with no flexibility if things come up
Illustration of nanny care
Fits your family’s needs and schedule
Drop-off & pick-up

Illustration of a daycare center
Rushed morning drop-offs and evening pick-ups
Illustration of nanny care
Simple transitions with the comfort of your home
Germs & illnesses

Illustration of a daycare center
High exposure to germs can make little ones sick
Illustration of nanny care
Protect your little ones by keeping them healthy
Child’s development

Illustration of a daycare center
Not enough care providers for individualized care
Illustration of nanny care
Dedicated care based on your child’s needs
Making friends

Illustration of a daycare center
Interact with the same group of children
Illustration of nanny care
Bond with children from the community
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Nanny shares, the best of both worlds

The Sylvester Family
We chose a nanny share because it allowed us to make sure that our child was getting great, individual attention from a person that we could trust while helping us to manage costs. We couldn’t afford to have one nanny, and found another family that was in a similar situation and shared our values.
Learn about nanny sharing

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