Need part time childcare for my sweet and happy 10-month-old daughter roughly 1-2 days/week for around 4 hours each day in the late afternoons. Duties include minor dishes and food prep, minor clean up/vaccuum, supervised play and learning, reading books, and changing diapers. We have two very friendly indoor only cats who will also be around but no actually care is required.
My daughter is very busy learning how to crawl and able to pull herself up to stand. She loves books, singing songs, playing peek-a-boo, going for walks in the neighborhood, and trying all the new foods! She takes naps twice a day and will likely sleep for a portion of the time we'd need care. We prefer someone come to our house for these reasons. Plus we have all the gizmos and gadgets a baby could need here!
It would be an easy part time position with opportunities to add more hours potentially in the future or for date nights. We'd love to see if you'd be the right fit for our family!