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Nannies in Pembroke Pines
Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

Find a housekeeper nanny job near you in Pembroke Pines, FL

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Find a housekeeper nanny job near you in Pembroke Pines, FL

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

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Find a housekeeper nanny job in Pembroke Pines, FL

The Ritfeld Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Ritfeld Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

Looking for part time help currently which will become full time in a couple months time to care for our 11 week old son and two year old daughter. We are looking for someone who preferably has experience with watching multiple kids and newborns. We have a large friendly dog so please be comfortable with dogs. We need someone with weekend flexibility as my work days sometimes fall on weekends due to me being an RN.

Certification Requirements...

First Aid
The Filion Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Filion Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
3 kids

A little bit about us…

Light house clean , prepare meal , infant care , nanny services is special for
My infant , and help
Out with breakfast and lunch for my other girls

Additional language requirements...

The Miller Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Miller Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Part time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

Hello. I will need help mostly Monday-Wednesday. Someone to pick up my kids from school and do homework and bring to activities. Cooking and light housework. We have one dog.

How often do you want to work?

The Lequay Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Lequay Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Part time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

I have two sweet girls that are a joy to work with! I am breastfeeding and will be home throughout the day. I am working remotely so need assistance. Looking for someone with a great personality and very family-oriented. We are a fun loving family that treats others with kindness and respect.

Interested in someone to assist 8:30am-5:30pm daily

Certification Requirements...

First Aid
The madatali Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The madatali Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
3 kids
Interested in nanny share

A little bit about us…

3 lovely and well behaved independent kids

Additional language requirements...

The Harris Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Harris Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Part time (nanny)
1 kid
Interested in nanny share

A little bit about us…

My little one is 2 months old. I work from home but need assistance with in home care since my job requires me to be on the phone all day. Care is needed Tuesday through Friday, 5 hours a day.. about 10a to 3pm.

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The Rodriguez Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Rodriguez Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
3 kids

A little bit about us…

We have 3 girls but help with the 2 toddlers
-Anabella turns 2 in March
-Sofia is 3
-Mia is is 7

Job Details:
-Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 Wednesdays and Fridays 3:00-5:30

As mentioned in my post, I work from home so I need help with the 2 youngest. Im looking for someone who can cook dinner, dishes and tidy up (sweep and put away dishes). The last hour would be help with the kids so I can do homework with my oldest.

Sample day:
3:00-4:15 With the kids [phone number hidden] Cook, light housekeeping
The Marsh Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Marsh Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

We have two sons - one who is currently 5 weeks old and a four and half year old. We are looking for someone to take care of our infant son and possibly help with after care of our soon to be five year old starting in august. We need someone between 8:30 and 5:30 preferably at our home. Language preference at home is English.
The Ortiz Family - Hiring in Pembroke Pines

The Ortiz Family

Pembroke Pines, FL
Full time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

Looking for a babysitter and also a live in nanny. Must be dog friendly.

How to become a nanny on Nanny Lane

Finding a nanny job

Finding a nanny job

Create your profile and connect with families that meet your needs.
Starting your nanny job

Starting your nanny job

Discuss and finalize the details of your nanny job with the family.
Getting paid on time

Getting paid on time

Make sure you get paid on time with our payroll service.
Start Your Search

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How to Find a Housekeeper Nanny Job in Pembroke Pines, FL

To start your search, you’ll create a profile to show off what makes you unique to families. From there, you connect with families about their needs and what you’re looking for. When you think you’ve found the right match, you can turn the discussion towards compensation and responsibilities.

What is a Housekeeper Nanny in Pembroke Pines, FL

A housekeeping nanny job can be a full-time, part-time, live-in or live-out position. A housekeeping nanny is defined by the responsibilities of caring for the home and belongings beyond the children. This can include family laundry, cleaning washrooms, preparing meals, organizing closets and rooms, and vacuuming.

Interviewing for a Housekeeper Nanny Position in Pembroke Pines, FL

After talking to a few employers, you’ll be invited for a housekeeping nanny job interview. Here are a few housekeeping nanny interview questions to prepare for:

  • What qualities do you have that make you a good housekeeping nanny?
  • What do you enjoy about looking after a home?
  • How many years of experience do you have with house cleaning?

In a housekeeping nanny job interview, you’ll have the opportunity to provide your nanny references and ask any questions that you would like to know about them. If you decide after this interview that you would like to continue, we recommend asking for a job offer or a nanny contract. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re getting off on the right foot with your future employer.

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