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Nannies in Nogales
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Find a babysitter near you in Nogales, AZ

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Find a babysitter near you in Nogales, AZ

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

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Hire a babysitter in Nogales, AZ

Kimora W. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Kimora

Nogales, AZ
Full time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

I'm a young teen who is the oldest in the family. So i have experience with my siblings. I love Kids!! and I'm very nice:)

Have experience working with...

Special Needs
Leslie G. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Leslie

Nogales, AZ
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hi, my name is Leslie, I live in both Nogales and I work in Marshalls 😊

I am a patient, fun and respectful person, I consider myself organized and responsible!!

My desire to take care of children was thanks to my niece who is only two years old and I’ve taken care of her since she was born, from the moment I knew that I liked to take care of babies/children 🧸

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Angie D. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Angie

Nogales, AZ
Full time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

My name is Angie and I currently am in college studying for early childhood. I have taken a class for 2 years in high school to prepare me to take care of babies/infants.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs



How often do you need a babysitter?

Nicole M. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Nicole

Nogales, AZ
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hello! My name is Nicole Meza and I am currently 17 years old. I love to work with children of all ages and would be honored if you chose me as your nanny. I am reliable, trustworthy, responsible, and professional. I speak both english and spanish fluently and I am a current Junior at the Nogales High School and I am looking to work as a part-time nanny. I am willing to do light housekeeping, I have a well-functioning car, and I love to cook. Feel free to send me a message if you are interested in hiring me.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Alejandra V. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Alejandra

Nogales, AZ
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hello!! My name is Alejandra villa and this is a little about me, I love kids and most importantly play with them and do crafts together in which is another specialty of mine. I'm a good listener and a very caring a helpful person and a very good communicator with all kinds of ages. I also love cooking and being organized at all time. I have a sister at home and grew up with lots of cousins so in other words I have some experience in watching over children.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


Monica C. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Monica

Nogales, AZ
Full time (nanny)
1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Mi nombre es Mónica Chávez López, mamá de 4 hermosos niños, y he sido cuidadora de niños y ancianos durante los últimos 3 años. Gracias a mi personalidad burbujeante, he tenido el placer de trabajar como niñera para un niño en el espectro, como alguien a quien no solo le apasiona el cuidado de los niños, sino que también le encanta mostrar empatía hacia los niños y sus emociones. Como niñera, tengo experiencia en la creación de comidas saludables, ayudando con las necesidades básicas como bañarse, arreglarse y vestirse. También tengo experiencia haciendo mandados usando mi propio medio de transporte, manteniendo la casa limpia y con buen olor, siguiendo el progreso del niño, creando manualidades divertidas e interactivas y, por supuesto, CPR/ First Aid con AED capacitación. ¡Creo firmemente en el valor de los niños en nuestras vidas, y me dedico a brindar el máximo cuidado a los pequeños humanos!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

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Xiomara V. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Xiomara

Nogales, AZ
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hey! I'm a young girl looking for a job that can work around my school hours. I am a student in Nogales High School and I'm in the band program. I love working with kids.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs
Margot L. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Margot

Nogales, AZ
Full time (nanny)
5 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hello, my name is Margot Lujan. I am 22 years old and have been babysitting for over 4 years. I was currently working in a kindergarten this past semester. I would love to babysit during my free time this summer.
Mitzia G. - Seeking Work in Nogales

Nanny Mitzia

Nogales, AZ
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hello! My name is Mitzia Gastelum and I'm an upcoming senior at Nogales High School. I love taking care of my niece in my free time! I am skilled in preparing healthy meals, engaging children in educational activities, and providing homework assistance.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs

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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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What’s the average cost of a babysitter in Nogales, AZ?

The average cost of a babysitter in Nogales, AZ is $16.97 per hour. The cost of a babysitter is dependent on the babysitter’s experience, qualifications and location.
Learn more about babysitter costs

How to Find a Babysitter in Nogales, AZ

Nanny Lane is a child care website meant to help you find a babysitter in your area. Our child care services include background checks, PLUS, and payroll.

Understand Babysitter Responsibilities in Nogales, AZ

Before beginning the search for a babysitter, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for and if a babysitter is the right choice for your child care needs. There are lots of benefits to hiring a babysitter such as getting the flexibility of having some more time for yourself or with your partner. When hiring a babysitter, first, you should explore the differences between a nanny and a babysitter. If you’re looking for occasional child care, babysitters are the right choice for you, but if you’re looking for more frequent care, a nanny may be better for your needs.

From there, you can think about what you expect your babysitter to handle so that you can create a profile for nannies to reach out to you. The boundaries for babysitters’ duties can vary from family to family. However, in general, a babysitter is responsible for making sure your kids’ needs are met, including things like ensuring they have opportunities to play and be active. When tasks go beyond child care, for example to housekeeping, laundry, or meal preparation, it’s good practice to communicate these expectations with your babysitter before hiring them. Along with the different duties that you ask for, experience and location in Nogales can impact how much you pay your babysitter.

Nogales Babysitter Interviews

Once you start connecting with prospective babysitters, the next step is to conduct an interview. To make things a bit easier, here’s a list of some babysitter interview questions to consider asking:

  • Do you have experience being a babysitter?
  • What sort of household tasks are you open and comfortable doing?
  • Do you have any references?
  • Are you trained in First Aid or CPR in Arizona?
  • Do you have a Arizona driver’s license? Do you own a car?
  • How do you handle tantrums? Can you share an experience disciplining children?

During the hiring process, it’s essential to ask for references and by asking their references questions you gain a better understanding of they will fit in your family. As you get closer to hiring a nanny, be sure to run a background check to ensure your kids are in good hands. When evaluating a babysitter that you’re considering hiring, make sure you’re setting the foundation for a good relationship with your babysitter. You can do this by being clear about your expectations around babysitter responsibilities and compensation, and of course, by being friendly and welcoming!

And of course, as you learn how to hire a babysitter, Nanny Lane's nanny services are here to help you along the way.

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