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Nannies in Maumelle
Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

Find a part-time nanny near you in Maumelle, AR

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Find a part-time nanny near you in Maumelle, AR

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

How often do you need a part-time nanny?

Hire a part-time nanny in Maumelle, AR

Lainee G. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Lainee

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
4 years experience

A little bit about me…

I am 23 year old dog mom. :) I have a degree in Surgucal Technology.I enjoy working in the operating room and assisting surgery, I love music and being at peace.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Benjamin Jared R. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Benjamin Jared

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
2 years experience

A little bit about me…

I’m Jared Robertson! I love kids. I’m in the process of having kids myself. I have babysat my cousin’s children. I can handle anything from a newborn baby to teenagers. I can change diapers, cook/feed, clean, bathe children. I want to babysit to get more experience with children, to help me be the best father I can be one day. I have a good full time job at Conway Regional Medical Center in the Lab Department. I am very responsible and pay close attention. I believe in parents coming home from work with the house looking nice and neat, with the children being good and happy. I know getting a 32 year old male to babysit is unconventional, but I would treat anyone’s kids like they were my own.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Jayla M. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Jayla

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
3 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hi my name is Jayla I’m 20 years old , and i’m currently a daycare teacher and have been one for a couple years on and off.

The services i would be offering is childcare (all ages) , pet care, cooking, and light housekeeping.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs



How often do you need a part-time nanny?

Tara D. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Tara

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

I am a retired 65 year old who has worked as a Certified Pharmacy Technician for 35 years. I have no grandchildren yet but I a praying that happens soon. I have two wonderful girls and lost my oldest daughter in a car accident in 2019. I have one daughter now and she is a nurse practitioner in Fayetteville, Ar. She is married to my wonderful son-in law. I am looking for a little one that I can be grandmother to until I get my first grandbaby. Thank you
Tara Hebert Deardorff

Have experience working with...

Special Needs
Debra J. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Debra

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

I am a 61 year old retired woman with 3 grown successful children and 7 grandchildren. I love children. I have helped with my nieces, nephews and cousins.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs
Victoria C. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Victoria

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
2 years experience


First Aid

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Kaylen R. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Kaylen

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

I'm a 16 year old girl who loves kids and will care for her the kids. I will follow all rules the parents have given, ane make sure the kids have a great time!
Excited to work with you!!
-Kaylen Robinson

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Ahmaud C. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Ahmaud

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

My name is Ah’maud Cook I am 20 years old, I’m dark skin bout 5’9 I have an beautiful daughter that’s 8 months I wouldn’t harm kids


First Aid
Ixsel D. - Seeking Work in Maumelle

Nanny Ixsel

Maumelle, AR
Part time (nanny)
3 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hi! I am 17 years old and I'm interested in a summer job. I am the eldest of two children with an age gap of 12-14 years, so looking after children is natural for me. I enjoy spending time with my little brothers, looking after my pets, and caring for my grandparents. Please feel free to email me with any more questions or concerns!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs

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Finding your nanny

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Hiring your nanny

Hiring your nanny

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Paying your nanny

Paying your nanny

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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another
Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

Share your nanny with another family

Enjoy attentive care and have playmates for your kids, all at a reasonable cost.
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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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Image of a piggy bank

What’s the average cost of a part-time nanny in Maumelle, AR?

The average cost of a part-time nanny in Maumelle, AR is $13.66 per hour. The cost of a part-time nanny is dependent on the part-time nanny’s experience, qualifications and location.
Learn more about part-time nanny costs

How to Hire a Part-Time Nanny in Maumelle, AR

Nanny Lane is a nanny website that can help you find a part-time nanny in your area. Our nanny services include background checks, PLUS, and nanny payroll. You start by creating a profile with a job description, and then reach out to candidates who are open to a part-time nanny position.

Common Responsibilities of Part-Time Nannies in Maumelle, AR

To understand if a part-time nanny is right for you, it’s best to start by assessing your family’s needs. Part-time nannies are best suited for families’ that need less than 35 hours of childcare per week.

A part-time nanny can offer support with housekeeping, errands and other household responsibilities, similar to mother’s helpers, au-pairs, and live-in nannies. These instances, as well as your location and the nanny’s experience are some of the many factors to consider when deciding how much you should pay a full-time nanny.

If you’re looking to save on the cost of a part-time nanny, you can try a nanny share. In a nanny share, you split the costs of a part-time nanny with another family. Alternatively, you could create a nanny share to create a full-time nanny position by having two families who want part-time child care. Beyond costs, there are other considerations in deciding between a part-time nanny and a part-time nanny share. It is important to think about the additional responsibilities your family carries as well as the part-time nanny when making this decision.

Contracts for Part-Time Nannies in Maumelle, AR

When finalizing the details of your part-time nanny position, it’s important to make sure that everyone is on the same page. The easiest way to do this is to create a job offer for your part-time nanny position.

In your part-time nanny job offer, you should communicate the responsibilities and compensation. In writing out the responsibilities of your part-time nanny, you might also choose to add some responsibilities that are specific to your families’ needs. If you want to run a background check on the candidates for your part-time nanny position, you can give a job offer that is contingent upon the results of the background check.

After presenting your job offer, you can create a contract for your part-time nanny to create the foundation for a good relationship with your nanny. And of course, as you learn how to hire a part-time nanny, Nanny Lane's nanny services are here to help you along the way.

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