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Nannies in Wheat Ridge
Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

Find a spanish-speaking nanny near you in Wheat Ridge, CO

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Find a spanish-speaking nanny near you in Wheat Ridge, CO

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

How often do you need a spanish-speaking nanny?

Hire a spanish-speaking nanny in Wheat Ridge, CO

Uma L. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Uma

Wheat Ridge, CO
Full time (nanny)
10+ years experience

A little bit about me…

I’m from Argentina ,my most important things in my life is my family,I love animals, I’m a super social person
I was au pair for one year with the same family here in colorado and I’m looking for a new nany job that I can be part of the family at the same time
I’m patient ,sweet ,organice,clean person who loves spell time with the little ones!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Cinthia Q. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Cinthia

Wheat Ridge, CO
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Hi, I'm Cinthia, a psychology and English student with experience in housekeeping and customer service. Although I have no previous experience as a nanny, I am patient, empathetic and adapt easily to change. I also know how to cook and I am willing to learn and grow in this role.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs
Vitória W. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Vitória

Wheat Ridge, CO
Part time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

My name is Vitoria, I am an international student. I took care of my youngest siblings since there were born until last year (a boy 10 yers old/ a sister 9 years old), when I moved to the US. So I have a lot of experience, love and care for kids.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs

How often do you need a spanish-speaking nanny?

Ines Q. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Ines

Wheat Ridge, CO
Full time (nanny)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

Soy una persona amable divertida y cariñosa con todos los niños
Daniela P. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Daniela

Wheat Ridge, CO
Part time (nanny)
1 year experience

A little bit about me…

My name is Daniela, I am 20 years old and live in Denver. I am a kind, understanding, responsible and patient girl. I enjoy spending time with children, playing and interacting. I also enjoy cooking and many more fun activities.
Mi nombre es Daniela, tengo 20 años y vivo en Denver. Soy una chica amable, compresible, responsable y paciente. Me gusta pasar tiempo con niños, jugar e interactuar. Igualmente me gusta la cocina y muchas más actividades divertidas

Have experience working with...



First Aid
Norbelis M. - Seeking Work in Wheat Ridge

Nanny Norbelis

Wheat Ridge, CO
Full time (nanny)
2 years experience

A little bit about me…

Soy de venezuela y tengo tres niños y e criado a mis hermanos y mi experiencia es esa el cuidado de los niños si me dan la oportunidad verán que soy una persona responsable ne vine de mi país a este país a trabajar y darle un futuro a mis hijos

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

We’re here for you at every step of the process

Finding your nanny

Finding your nanny

Create your profile and connect with nannies that fit your needs.
Hiring your nanny

Hiring your nanny

Run a background check and finalize the details.
Paying your nanny

Paying your nanny

Ease the process of payments and taxes with our payroll service.
Start Your Search
Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another
Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

Share your nanny with another family

Enjoy attentive care and have playmates for your kids, all at a reasonable cost.
Learn about nanny sharing
Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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Find a Spanish-Speaking Nanny Near You in Wheat Ridge, CO

Nanny Lane can help you find the perfect Spanish-speaking nanny for your family in Wheat Ridge, CO. Our services include background checks, PLUS, and nanny payroll. Start by posting a profile with a job description, and soon, you can start connecting with bilingual nanny candidates.

Common Responsibilities of Spanish-Speaking Nannies in Wheat Ridge, CO

A Spanish-speaking nanny in Wheat Ridge, CO will have experience in childcare and be fluent in Spanish, providing your family with a rich language and cultural experience. Responsibilities may include organizing bilingual activities, preparing meals, handling child-related errands, and more. A Spanish-speaking nanny can work full-time, part-time, or as a live-in caregiver. It is essential to consider these factors when determining how much you should pay a Spanish-speaking nanny.

Nanny Shares for Spanish-Speaking Nannies in Wheat Ridge, CO

A nanny share is an excellent option for families looking to save on the cost of hiring a Spanish-speaking nanny while also providing their children with an opportunity to socialize and learn alongside other children. Nanny shares offer cost savings and other benefits. In a nanny share, two families share one nanny, either caring for both children simultaneously or splitting their time between the two families.

Spanish-Speaking Nanny Interview in Wheat Ridge, CO

Once you find a promising candidate, invite them for an interview to assess their fit for your family. Here are some examples of questions you can ask:

  • Can you share your experience as a Spanish-speaking nanny?
  • How do you incorporate Spanish language learning into daily activities?
  • Are you trained in First Aid or CPR in Wheat Ridge, CO?
  • What salary are you expecting? Are you open to being paid through a payroll service?

At this stage, request their references and ask their references some questions. After preparing the job offer or contract, we recommend that you run a background check.

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