How Much Does a Nanny Share Cost?

An adult and an infant playing on the ground

Why is a nanny share not just half the cost of a nanny?

When thinking about hiring a nanny, the first thought is likely going to be: how much does a nanny cost? And if you’re interested in a nanny share, one might think that the nanny cost gets cut in half, but it’s not quite that simple.

While a nanny share is going to cost you a lot less money than a nanny, there are also more kids, and more family logistics for the nanny to handle.

The best way to determine the cost of a nanny share is for both families to pay 2/3 of the cost of a nanny.

So, if the going rate in your area is $16/hour for one child, each family would pay about $10/hour, leaving the nanny with a $20/hour position.

There is some debate over why families should pay more for a nanny share. The automatic thinking is that both families pay half of a typical hourly rate.

But it’s important to make this set up mutually beneficial for the families and the nanny.

Your nanny will have to handle two families texting them and requesting things, two different schedules and needs, and possibly weekly changes in location. A nanny share can be just a little more complex from the nanny’s perspective, so it’s best to reward her flexibility with a higher salary.

How much does a nanny costs in your area?

The International Nanny Association (INA), reports that nannies make about $19/hour, based on their Nanny Survey.

Another great resource is to ask friends and neighbors who have nannies in town. Online nanny cost calculators can often underestimate the cost of a professional nanny, so you’ll want to ask families who have a nanny you admire and respect.

You can also post this question on your local chapter of or a local Facebook group and have people private message you the rate they pay.

What are other costs to consider?

There are other nanny share costs to consider such as the cost of food and any extra gear your nanny needs to take care of two kids at the same house.

For example, if they’re caring for two babies, you’ll likely need an extra high chair and a double stroller.

Then, there are the typical extra costs of having a nanny: gas mileage if they drive your children places, a car seat for the car, activities like music class if you choose to get them involved, and museum memberships. Plus, you might want to keep a petty cash fund or allow a $20/week spending allowance on various outings and snacks.

The cost of a nanny and nanny share can be similar to that of a local daycare center, especially when you factor in activities and outings. But the benefits of having a nanny or nanny share can surpass the additional costs. It’s hiring someone who loves your child and becomes a part of your family.

It’s also incredibly convenient. They can stay late, come early, be home with a sick child, take the kids to the doctor’s (or meet you at the appointment, so you can run back to work), cook dinner, stick to your nap schedule and your rules, and give as much attention as your child needs.

Just make sure you put these types of needs in your job description, and form a relationship that’s professional, but based on mutual respect.

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