You’ve found a great nanny online, but now you need to meet them in person, and ask some tougher questions. What can you ask to really get a sense if she can handle your baby, along with another child? What can you ask to determine if she can take care of two children, and two families, simultaneously?
Here’s how to structure your nanny interview, and what you can ask to really get to know your candidate before they meet the kids.
Structure of the Interview
It’s important to have the nanny interview in a public place (coffee shop, lunch spot, library), where you can both focus on one task: getting to know each other quickly.
In the interest of time, it’s best if representatives from both families meet with the nanny candidate at the same time, and give each other the opportunity to ask questions.
- Meet your nanny candidate at a public place, without any children in tow
- Take turns describing your family and your family’s needs
- Go over the nanny job description
- Ask the nanny to describe herself
- Ask the nanny questions about her background and flexibility (see examples below)
- Ask the nanny if she has any questions
- Talk salary requirements
If the interview goes well…
- Request at least three references
- Plan a time to have her meet the kids, as long as the references and background check clear (since great nannies can get scooped up quickly, you will want to check background and call references immediately)
- Introduce her to the children
- Give her a job offer: both a written job offer and a nanny contract
Nanny Interview Questions
The Basics
- What hours can you nanny? Are these flexible at all if we need you to come early or stay late?
- Where do you live? How far of a commute would this be for you?
- Have you been a nanny before? What ages were the children?
- Have you ever been a nanny for a nanny share before?
- Are you first aid and CPR certified?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Are you comfortable driving in the snow? (if applicable)
- What was your last job? Why are you leaving?
- Is your schedule flexible if we are running late?
- Are you comfortable working with two different families, and alternating between houses if necessary?
Get a Sense of Their Personality
- How would you describe yourself?
- How would your friends describe you?
- What do you enjoy most about being a nanny?
- What do you enjoy least about being a nanny?
- What do you like to do for fun?
- How do you relax after a tough day?
Get a Sense of Their Professionalism
- Tell me about a challenging time you had as a nanny, and how you handled it.
- If you were having a difficult time with one of us, how would you move forward?
- If one of us was unhappy with something you did, how would you like us to discuss it with you?
- Have you ever been late to work?
- How would you like us to communicate the weekly schedule with you?
- How do you like to stay organized with the families you’re working for?
- What would you like us to do if we’re running late?
- Can you roughly outline a rainy day plan with these two children? What types of things would you do if TV is not an option?
Give on the Job Scenarios
(Adjust these for your particularly-aged children)
- How would you give two crying, hungry babies a bottle at the same time?
- If my baby falls down, starts bleeding, and requires medical attention, what would you do next?
- If my child isn’t eating dinner, what would you do?
- If one child seems sick, what would you do?
- Say my toddler hit another child at the playground, how would you handle it?
- Say my child is having a tantrum, how do you get him to stop?