Clarksville$12/hr | 2 kidsHello, I am a busy working mom in the IT industry. I was working from home, however my job has forced me to come back to the office on short notice after promising permanent remote work before my maternity leave, which will be ending on Aug 1. My four year old, Amira, is super chill, very easy, and full of bubbly energy. My infant, Enzo, is also pretty easy for the most part. He does cry more often than what I'm used to, but we can discuss that more.
I work M - F 8am to 5pm. Leave for work no later than 7:30am. We do have two dogs, but assistance with them won't be needed.
I would really appreciate finding someone to watch my kids asap. I would love to talk more in detail about the kids, expectations, responsibilities, etc.