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Hire a babysitter in California

With over 10,000+ babysitters across California, find a babysitter that fits your lifestyle.
Ximena P. - Seeking Work in Oceanside

Nanny Ximena

Oceanside, CA
Occasional (babysitter)
5 years experience

A little bit about me…

I am a certified medical assistant and I have 4 years in child care, I am very professional and understanding person and love working with kids!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

Recent reference...

"Ximena is a reliable, respectful, and amazing employee. She was always hands on and aware of my child’s surroundings. She respected my rules, followed, and made sure she was always doing what’s best for my baby."
- Litzy
Juanita Y. - Seeking Work in Ross

Nanny Juanita

Ross, CA
Occasional (babysitter)
3 years experience

A little bit about me…

I'm Juanita Yate, a professional in psychology from Colombia. I've worked as a family Nanny with a proven track record in private households.
Experience in providing emotional support and child safety. Skilled in meal preparation and first aid, demonstrating a strong ability to balance empathy with practical caregiving skills. I have experience managing challenging behaviors calmly and effectively using positive reinforcement techniques, balanced playtime, and limited screen time to support the development of fine motor, gross motor, and cognitive skills. Also encouraging independence among the children through guidance on personal hygiene routines.

Have experience working with...



First Aid

Recent reference...

"Juanita took care of my 2 years old baby during the weekend! She is so responsible, punctual and kind! She helped with lunch, nap, dinner and bed time! Not only that but she also took care of our cat while she was at our house! She helps us sometimes when we need extra childcare!"
- Alli
Lebohang F. - Seeking Work in Piedmont

Nanny Lebohang

Piedmont, CA
Occasional (babysitter)
2 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hello my name is Lebo From South Africa. I look after two children in the Bay area. In my free time I try to keep active by hiking and going to the gym. And I am an animal lover.

Have experience working with...



First Aid
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What’s the average cost of a babysitter in California?

The average cost of a babysitter in California is $21.05 per hour. The cost of a babysitter is dependent on the babysitter’s experience, qualifications and location.
Learn more about babysitter costs

How to Find a Babysitter in California

Nanny Lane is a child care website meant to help you find a babysitter in your area. Our child care services include background checks, PLUS, and payroll.

Understand Babysitter Responsibilities in California

Before beginning the search for a babysitter, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for and if a babysitter is the right choice for your child care needs. There are lots of benefits to hiring a babysitter such as getting the flexibility of having some more time for yourself or with your partner. When hiring a babysitter, first, you should explore the differences between a nanny and a babysitter. If you’re looking for occasional child care, babysitters are the right choice for you, but if you’re looking for more frequent care, a nanny may be better for your needs.

From there, you can think about what you expect your babysitter to handle so that you can create a profile for nannies to reach out to you. The boundaries for babysitters’ duties can vary from family to family. However, in general, a babysitter is responsible for making sure your kids’ needs are met, including things like ensuring they have opportunities to play and be active. When tasks go beyond child care, for example to housekeeping, laundry, or meal preparation, it’s good practice to communicate these expectations with your babysitter before hiring them. Along with the different duties that you ask for, experience and location can impact how much you pay your babysitter.

California Babysitter Interviews

Once you start connecting with prospective babysitters, the next step is to conduct an interview. To make things a bit easier, here’s a list of some babysitter interview questions to consider asking:

  • Do you have experience being a babysitter?
  • What sort of household tasks are you open and comfortable doing?
  • Do you have any references?
  • Are you trained in First Aid or CPR in California?
  • Do you have a California driver’s license? Do you own a car?
  • How do you handle tantrums? Can you share an experience disciplining children?

During the hiring process, it’s essential to ask for references and by asking their references questions you gain a better understanding of they will fit in your family. As you get closer to hiring a nanny, be sure to run a background check to ensure your kids are in good hands. When evaluating a babysitter that you’re considering hiring, make sure you’re setting the foundation for a good relationship with your babysitter. You can do this by being clear about your expectations around babysitter responsibilities and compensation, and of course, by being friendly and welcoming!

And of course, as you learn how to hire a babysitter, Nanny Lane's nanny services are here to help you along the way.

How to find a babysitter on Nanny Lane

Create a Profile

Create a Profile

Tell nannies and families about yourself
Connect & Hire

Connect & Hire

Message, interview, and run a background check
Start Payroll

Start Payroll

We do all your nanny payroll and taxes for you.

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