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Nannies in Santa Clara
Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

Find a babysitter near you in Santa Clara, CA

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Find a babysitter near you in Santa Clara, CA

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

How often do you need a babysitter?

Hire a babysitter in Santa Clara, CA

Gabriella J. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Gabriella

Santa Clara, CA
Occasional (babysitter)
< 1 year experience

A little bit about me…

I have taken care of a lot of my cousins, nieces, nephews. I am knowledgeable enough to help with homework and I like to keep things tidy and organized. I am willing to shift things around to help out whenever. I grew up in a strict household but I would never let fun/excitement out of the picture!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


Youngsun S. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Youngsun

Santa Clara, CA
Occasional (babysitter)
10+ years experience

A little bit about me…

enjoy bing with children very much.
availability: after 1 to 2 PM to 9PM latest, M to F as needed base, hours can be flexible sometimes. I am very reliable, caring, fun and friendly person. Also very responsible and punctual.

retired RN about a year, healthy, and energetic person. enjoy being with people.

Have experience working with...



First Aid
Erika H. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Erika

Santa Clara, CA
Full time (nanny)
3 years experience

A little bit about me…

Soy una persona comprometida, cariñosa, divertida, entregada a mi labor, comprensiva y proactiva. Soy Psicóloga y enfermera de profesión, con más de 11 años de experiencia dedicada al cuidado, bienestar físico, mental y emocional de niños, adolescentes y adultos.
Me gusta generar actividades lúdicas y recreativas que ayuden al crecimiento y desarrollo de cada uno de los niños

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

Recent reference...

"Es una persona muy comprometida, fiable, responsable, amorosa, dedicada al cuidado de los niños, es excelente en su trabajo. Aporta de su conocimiento como psicóloga en el aprendizaje de los niños y también como enfermera."
- Roberto Rios

How often do you need a babysitter?

Nora I. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Nora

Santa Clara, CA
Responds within a few weeks
Full time (nanny)
10+ years experience

A little bit about me…

I adore kids and have extensive experience working with children and listening to their stories and emotions. I have been a nanny for kids of all ages ranging from a two week old baby to high school kids. I have a diverse background of pastimes such as cooking, biking, soccer, badminton, ice skating, roller skating, painting, sewing, sketching, singing, songwriting, yoga, jogging, dancing, reading and story-telling.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Sandra P. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Sandra

Santa Clara, CA
Part time (nanny)
6 years experience

A little bit about me…

I am a 32-year-old woman, I am from Colombia 🇨🇴, I studied Architecture in my country, I know how to cook and clean my home is clean and it would help to have their houses too, I can help the children to do painting activities 🎨, and craft activitie

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Jan M. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Jan

Santa Clara, CA
Part time (nanny)
10+ years experience

A little bit about me…

Bachelor Degree, Western Michigan University.
Teaching Credentials:
Special Education
Attended Santa Clara University and San Jose State University.

Nanny for infant/toddler, kindergarten and elementary. Four years experience.
Teacher 15+ years experience.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

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Kayla J. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Kayla

Santa Clara, CA
Full time (nanny)
4 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hello! My name is Janae, I am a dedicated childcare professional with nearly a decade of diverse experience, including four years in a licensed in-home daycare setting and four years as a trusted babysitter. My expertise spans early childhood education,
lesson planning, and site management, with a strong focus on creating nurturing, engaging environments that foster children’s development and growth. CPR and First Aid Certified with expertise in managing teams, developing curriculum, and supporting children with dietary restrictions and special needs. Passionate about cultivating positive relationships with families and educators to ensure exceptional care and learning experiences.

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid
Hayley S. - Seeking Work in Santa Clara

Nanny Hayley

Santa Clara, CA
Part time (nanny)
3 years experience

A little bit about me…

Hi all!

Im a nanny experienced in nannying, tutoring, teaching, and I love learning games crafts and fun! I’ve worked at schools and summer camps as well as for multiple different families. Im also very responsible and reliable as far as safety, attendance, communication, and respect. I am taking COVID 19 precautions. I hope to talk to some of you very soon!

Have experience working with...

Special Needs


First Aid

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Finding your nanny

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Hiring your nanny

Hiring your nanny

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Paying your nanny

Paying your nanny

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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another
Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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Assortment of photographs arranged loosely on top of one another

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Image of a piggy bank

What’s the average cost of a babysitter in Santa Clara, CA?

The average cost of a babysitter in Santa Clara, CA is $21.05 per hour. The cost of a babysitter is dependent on the babysitter’s experience, qualifications and location.
Learn more about babysitter costs

How to Find a Babysitter in Santa Clara, CA

Nanny Lane is a child care website meant to help you find a babysitter in your area. Our child care services include background checks, PLUS, and payroll.

Understand Babysitter Responsibilities in Santa Clara, CA

Before beginning the search for a babysitter, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for and if a babysitter is the right choice for your child care needs. There are lots of benefits to hiring a babysitter such as getting the flexibility of having some more time for yourself or with your partner. When hiring a babysitter, first, you should explore the differences between a nanny and a babysitter. If you’re looking for occasional child care, babysitters are the right choice for you, but if you’re looking for more frequent care, a nanny may be better for your needs.

From there, you can think about what you expect your babysitter to handle so that you can create a profile for nannies to reach out to you. The boundaries for babysitters’ duties can vary from family to family. However, in general, a babysitter is responsible for making sure your kids’ needs are met, including things like ensuring they have opportunities to play and be active. When tasks go beyond child care, for example to housekeeping, laundry, or meal preparation, it’s good practice to communicate these expectations with your babysitter before hiring them. Along with the different duties that you ask for, experience and location in Santa Clara can impact how much you pay your babysitter.

Santa Clara Babysitter Interviews

Once you start connecting with prospective babysitters, the next step is to conduct an interview. To make things a bit easier, here’s a list of some babysitter interview questions to consider asking:

  • Do you have experience being a babysitter?
  • What sort of household tasks are you open and comfortable doing?
  • Do you have any references?
  • Are you trained in First Aid or CPR in California?
  • Do you have a California driver’s license? Do you own a car?
  • How do you handle tantrums? Can you share an experience disciplining children?

During the hiring process, it’s essential to ask for references and by asking their references questions you gain a better understanding of they will fit in your family. As you get closer to hiring a nanny, be sure to run a background check to ensure your kids are in good hands. When evaluating a babysitter that you’re considering hiring, make sure you’re setting the foundation for a good relationship with your babysitter. You can do this by being clear about your expectations around babysitter responsibilities and compensation, and of course, by being friendly and welcoming!

And of course, as you learn how to hire a babysitter, Nanny Lane's nanny services are here to help you along the way.

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