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Nannies in Evans
Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

Find a housekeeper nanny job near you in Evans, CO

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Find a housekeeper nanny job near you in Evans, CO

Image of a nanny with a baby on her neck

How often do you want to work?

Find a housekeeper nanny job in Evans, CO

The jebens Family - Hiring in Evans

The jebens Family

Evans, CO
Full time (nanny)
1 kid
Interested in nanny share

A little bit about us…

We are looking for childcare to begin in late March of 2023. We are currently expecting and you would be responsible for watching a 12 week infant. The schedule would be a bit different. Typically 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (these change from time to time and often every 9th day is off)
Work would be for two weeks at a time with then two weeks OFF.
It seems like a very confusing schedule but is very manageable. Reliability is key.
Someone who is driven, engaging, and flexible would best fit this position.

Certification Requirements...

First Aid
The Calderon Family - Hiring in Evans

The Calderon Family

Evans, CO
Part time (nanny)
2 kids

A little bit about us…

Hello I’m looking for a affordable home care nanny for my two boys ages 3 months and 1 year old. Someone who takes into consideration of Covid. That would be able to start at the beginning of November My fiancé and I days and hours fluctuate.
References would be great

Certification Requirements...

First Aid

Additional language requirements...

The MAJOR Family - Hiring in Evans

The MAJOR Family

Evans, CO
Part time (nanny)
1 kid

A little bit about us…

I currently have a nanny for my two year old daughter Elizabeth, but her schedule is changing in August. I need to find a replacement by August 20th at the latest. I like the nanny option best, but I'm open to babysitting at your location if necessary.

Hours would be Wednesday and Thursday from 830 am to 7 pm - sometimes 9- 730. My parents usually watch Elizabeth on Fridays but occasionally I'll need a backup for Friday as well. ....20 hours or so for most weeks. Friday coverage happens once every few months and I'll give plenty of notice if it comes up.

How often do you want to work?

The Khosla Family - Hiring in Evans

The Khosla Family

Evans, CO
Part time (nanny)
1 kid

A little bit about us…

We are looking for care for three month old son, Thiago. It would be every other Monday and Friday between 11 AM to 4 PM. We have two lovely pets who are really wonderful so hopefully the nanny is good with dogs. If necessary both dogs can be in the crate while you are here.

Certification Requirements...

First Aid

Additional language requirements...


How to become a nanny on Nanny Lane

Finding a nanny job

Finding a nanny job

Create your profile and connect with families that meet your needs.
Starting your nanny job

Starting your nanny job

Discuss and finalize the details of your nanny job with the family.
Getting paid on time

Getting paid on time

Make sure you get paid on time with our payroll service.
Start Your Search

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How to Find a Housekeeper Nanny Job in Evans, CO

To start your search, you’ll create a profile to show off what makes you unique to families. From there, you connect with families about their needs and what you’re looking for. When you think you’ve found the right match, you can turn the discussion towards compensation and responsibilities.

What is a Housekeeper Nanny in Evans, CO

A housekeeping nanny job can be a full-time, part-time, live-in or live-out position. A housekeeping nanny is defined by the responsibilities of caring for the home and belongings beyond the children. This can include family laundry, cleaning washrooms, preparing meals, organizing closets and rooms, and vacuuming.

Interviewing for a Housekeeper Nanny Position in Evans, CO

After talking to a few employers, you’ll be invited for a housekeeping nanny job interview. Here are a few housekeeping nanny interview questions to prepare for:

  • What qualities do you have that make you a good housekeeping nanny?
  • What do you enjoy about looking after a home?
  • How many years of experience do you have with house cleaning?

In a housekeeping nanny job interview, you’ll have the opportunity to provide your nanny references and ask any questions that you would like to know about them. If you decide after this interview that you would like to continue, we recommend asking for a job offer or a nanny contract. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re getting off on the right foot with your future employer.

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